Bentley PLAXIS 2D / 3D Ultimate software full crack download and PLAXIS is geotechnical analysis software with capabilities to solve common and complex geotechnical problems in soil and rock, including advanced analysis for excavations, foundations, tunnels, and other infrastructure projects. Seequent, a bussines Bentley Systems, is pleased to announce the availability of PLAXIS 2D/3D 2024 Patch 2.1
PLAXIS 2D is a powerful and user friendly finite element package intended for two-dimensional analysis of deformation and stability in geotechnical engineering and rock mechanics. PLAXIS is used worldwide by top engineering companies and institutions in the civil and geotechnical engineering industry. Applications range from excavations, embankment and foundations to tunnelling, mining and reservoir geomechanics.
PLAXIS 3D PLAXIS 3D has advanced features to tackle modelling challenges in the most complex geotechnical projects, that cannot be solved with PLAXIS 2D. Finite element modelling in full 3D has never been easier with a range of CAD-like drawing tools and extrude, intersect, combine and array operations. It’s almost like sculpting.
Key features of PLAXIS software:
Bentley PLAXIS 2D / 3D Ultimate software details: