Download Fundamentals of Chemical Reactor Engineering: A Multi-Scale Approach

Fundamentals of Chemical Reactor Engineering: A Multi-Scale Approach book pdf download and This textbook describes the interaction of reacting molecules on the molecular scale and uses real-world examples to illustrate the principles of chemical reactor analysis and heterogeneous catalysis at every scale. It includes a strong focus on new approaches to process intensification, the modeling of multifunctional reactors, structured reactor types, and the importance of hydrodynamics and transport processes in a chemical reactor.

 It offers readers the tools they need to develop a firm grasp of the kinetics and thermodynamics of reactions, hydrodynamics, transport processes, and heat and mass transfer resistances in a chemical reactor.

eBook details
  • Author (s): Timur Dogu , Gulsen Dogu
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Publisher: Wiley
  • Language: English
  • ISBN: 1119755891, 9781119755890, 9781119755906, 9781119755913
  • Number of pages: 354 pages
  • Book format: PDF
  •  File size: 6 MB
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