Download Hexagon MSC Digimat-CAE / Moldex3D 2023.1 x64

Hexagon MSC Digimat-CAE / Moldex3D software full crack license download and MSC Software, part of Hexagon’s Manufacturing Intelligence division has released Digimat CAE / Moldex3D 2023.1 is the state-of-the-art multiscale material modelling platform focusing on the micromechanical modelling of complex multiphase materials such as plastics, composites, metals, and elastomers, revealing how they perform at part and system levels.

Hexagon’s MSC Software CAE simulation solutions enable engineers to validate and optimise product designs using virtual prototypes. Customers in almost every part of manufacturing use our software to complement, and in some cases even replace, the physical prototype “build and test” process that has traditionally been used in product design.

Digimat technology provides design tools that give you 100% confidence in your composites products thanks to an accurate description of the local composite behavior. Accurate material modeling allows you to reduce the factor of safety allowing composite materials to used to 100% of their potential, maximizing their competitiveness against metal and leading to substantial weight reduction. Digimat tools integrate smoothly within the current FEA process, bridging the gap between manufacturing process and structural analysis.

Moldex3D is a CAE product dedicated to the prediction by simulation of plastic injection mold­ing for the plastic manufacturing industry. The link between Digimat and Moldex3D interface enables taking into account the results of the injection molding, the orienta­tion of fibers, in your structural FE analysis. This section introduces the use of Moldex3D fiber orientation in Digimat-CAE/Moldex3D computation.

Digimat 2023.1

  • Digimat-MF
  • Digimat-FE
  • Digimat-MX
  • Digimat-MAP
  • Digimat-CAE
  • Digimat-RP
  • Digimat-VA
  • Digimat-AM

Digimat 2023.1 Release Highlights

  • Legacy tools and workflows in Digimat-RP: With Digimat 2023.1, Digimat-MAP and Digimat-CAE can be launched directly from Digimat-RP. Additionally, Digimat-RP offers a new workflow that is dedicated to the generation of interface files without structural model. By integrating these new capabilities, Digimat-RP provides an integrated multiscale simulation environment that simplifies the user experience by reducing the number of required tools.
  • Curing and crystallinity analyses for SMC in Digimat-RP: Thermomechanical and coupled thermal mechanical analyses with curing and crystallinity can be conducted in Digimat-RP for sheet moulding compounds.
  • Tension after impact tests in Digimat-VA: The tests database has been extended with tension after impact tests, that consist of an initial impact test according to the ASTM D7136 standard, followed by a tension test according to the ASTM D3039 standard.

Hexagon MSC Digimat-CAE / Moldex3D software details:

  • Supported operating systems: Windows 10/11 x64
  • File size: 7.5 GB
  • Step-by-step installation and activation guide: English
  • Crack: full crack (unlimited system)
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