Download MedeA 3.9.0 software license crack package is the leading environment for the atomistic simulation of materials. MedeA enables professional, day-to-day deployment of atomic-scale and nano-scale computations for materials engineering, materials optimization and materials discovery. In MedeA, world-class simulation engines are integrated with elaborate property prediction modules, experimental databases, structure builders and analysis tools, all in one user-friendly environment.
The standard MedeA Environment includes the following modules:
- Builders: Solids, surfaces, point defects, random substitution, polymer, molecules, layers
- Databases: COD (Crystallography Open Database)
- Job Control: Jobserver/Taskserver (web-based job control and job monitoring)
- Compute engines: LAMMPS code
- GUIs: LAMMPS GUI, graphical workflow editor
- Analysis: Geometry, symmetry, void, point defects, trajectory, volumetric

Compute Engines and related GUIs
MedeA VASP, MedeA VASP GUI – Vienna Ab Initio Simulation Package, Graphical User Interface
MedeA LAMMPS, MedeA LAMMPS GUI – Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator, Graphical User Interface
MedeA GIBBS, MedeA GIBBS GUI – Grand Canonical Monte Carlo method for fluid properties prediction and fluid adsorption, Graphical User Interface
MedeA MOPAC, MedeA MOPAC GUI – Semi-empirical Quantum Chemistry method for fast property prediction and screening, Graphical User Interface
MedeA Gaussian GUI – Flowchart based GUI for GAUSSIAN, a general purpose computational chemistry software package
MedeA offers several optional Property Modules for property prediction and automation
Property Modules working with VASP:
MedeA MT – Mechanical, thermal properties
MedeA Phonon – Vibrational properties and thermodynamic functions
MedeA Electronics – 3D electronic analysis, Seebeck coefficients, electronic conductivity, effective masses
MedeA Transition State Search – Reaction pathways and transition states
MedeA UNCLE – UNiversal CLuster Expansion for alloying, defects, configurational disorder
MedeA FFO – Forcefield Optimizer and include B3LYP hybrid
Property Modules working with LAMMPS:
MedeA Phonon – Vibrational properties and thermodynamic functions
MedeA MT – Mechanical, thermal properties
MedeA UNCLE – UNiversal CLuster Expansion for alloying, defects, configurational disorder
MedeA Diffusion – Automated calculation of diffusion coefficients
MedeA Thermal Conductivity – Automated calculation of thermal conductivity coefficient
MedeA Viscosity – Automated calculation of viscosity
MedeA Surface Tension – Automated calculation of surface tension
MedeA Cohesive Energy Density (CED) – Automated calculation of cohesive energy density
MedeA FFO – Forcefield Optimizer
MedeA Deposition – Automated deposition of atoms/particles on materials surfaces
Property Modules base on Correlations:
MedeA P3C – Polymer properties from Correlations, employing the Bicerano method
MedeA QT – An interactive Toolkit for statistical correlations
MedeA Amorphous Materials Builder – Amorphous structures, Polymers, Thermosets
MedeA Docking – Adsorbate systems
MedeA Interface Builder – Heterogeneous crystalline interfaces and grain boundaries) are available as add-ons.
MedeA Morphology – Crystal morphologies
MedeA COD GUI – Crystallography Open Database
MedeA ICSD – Inorganic Crystal Structure Database
MedeA Pearsons – The Pearsons database
MedeA Pauling – The Pauling database
MedeA NCD – The NIST Crystal Database
MPDS – Materials Platform for Data Science (web-based)
Materials Design
MedeA 3.8.0 Release Notes
1-Builders and Editors:
- Microstructure Builder (New)
- The MedeA Microstructure Builder creates microstructure models for atomistic simulations using a Seed & Growth algorithm with starting points either placed randomly or at user-specified coordinates within a supercell. Each such point is used as an origin to grow a crystalline grain by adding atoms from that seed point outwards until a grain boundary is encountered.
- The models created by the MedeA Microstructure Builder can be used with other MedeA tools to explore the structural, energetic, and dynamic characteristics of microcrystalline materials.
- Enhancements for exporting structures to extxyz
- Enhancements for bond computation
- Enhancements for assigning element colors
- Addition of the ability to use a variable for density in the amorphous builder stage
- Added an automated orthorhombic construction mode to the Supercell Builder. This functionality is made available if the active structure is non-orthorhombic.
2- Engines:
- VASP 6.4.2 executables for Linux and Windows
- Structure optimization: all combinations of constraints for atom positions, cell volume and shape are available
- Added support for several Molecular Dynamics features through the user interface:
- The microcanonical ensemble can be executed in two ways, one is consistent with older VASP versions
- Canonical ensemble (nVT) ensemble: users can now choose Nose-Hoover, Andersen, and Langevin thermostats and their parameters
- Added isoenthalpic isobaric (nPH) ensemble (New)
- Added lattice constraints and monitoring for the isothermal isobaric (nPT) and isoenthalpic isobaric (nPH) ensembles. The options are:
- isotropic
- fixed lattice angles
- constrained
- unconstrained
- Short access time when loading machine-learned forcefields
- New calculation type to refit machine-learned forcefields:
- for fast running applications, or
- with Bayesian error prediction, or
- with reselected local reference configurations
- New user interface for fine-tuning the on-the-fly machine learning process and the refitting of forcefields. For instance:
- thresholds for Bayesian errors of forces and their updating process
- thresholds for configurations and sparsification
- relative fitting weights of energy, forces and stress
- atomic reference energies
- definition of descriptors and the basis set expansion
- output options
- Versatile trajectory creation, in particular for MLFF based molecular dynamics and on-the-fly learning
- Updated gnuplot graphics for machine learning
- Improvments for return status handling
- Enhancements for band structures based on non-local functionals without range separation
- Adapt low scaling GW to VASP 6.4.2 executables
- Update of automatically produced plots (post-processing)
- Addition of option for writing a trajectory in native LAMMPS format
- Addition of warning if there are frozen atoms during an NPT run
GIBBS 9.7.8 executables for Linux and Windows
- Optimization of transition states accessible in flowcharts
3- Forcefields:
- Enhancement to allow for manual assignment of structures to training/validation sets
- Addition of “Coordinates” property when importing into the Fitting Data Manager
- Enhancements on forcefields handing in FFO
- Refined nonbond parameters for carbon in acetal groups
4- Property modules:
Polymer Expert (New)
- The Polymer Expert is a new module in the MedeA environment in MedeA 3.8. The innovative Polymer Expert capability facilitates de novo polymer design through high-efficiency access to a substantial (>1.1 million entries) database of polymer properties, PEARL (Polymer Expert Analog Repeat unit Library). Polymer Expert allows you to identify novel polymers by querying the PEARL database based on properties and property ranges. You can also search for biologically derivable analogs within the PEARL database. Polymer Expert was developed in collaboration with Jozef Bicerano the author of Prediction of Polymer Properties, Marcel Dekker, Inc. (2002) and is described in the paper (J. Bicerano, D. Rigby, C. Freeman, B. Leblanc, and J. Aubry, Polymer Expert – A Software Tool for De Novo Polymer Design, 2023 – which has been submitted for publication).
- In consultation with Jozef Bicerano, a variety of upgrades to P3C have been made in the MedeA 3.7.1, 3.7.2, and MedeA 3.8 releases. In particular:
- The naming of mechanical properties has been updated to clarify the temperature of the properties reported by P3C.
- Mechanical properties are generally reported at 298K. When a polymer has a computed glass transition temperature (Tg) below 298K, the Young’s modulus (Eyoung298K), shear modulus (Gshear298K), and the shear yield stress (Sy298K) are set to -1.0 so as to avoid providing misleading properties.
- The bulk modulus (B298K) is computed using correlations which account for low Tg (lower than 298K) materials and incorporates a transition region for materials with Tg’s close to 298K.
- The Poisson ratio, vpoisson298K, is computed for materials with Tg’s greater than 298K using a simple correlation, and for materials with Tg’s lower than 298K for the onset of the rubbery region for that polymer.
- Two new properties, EyoungTgp30K and GshearTgp30K, are now reported. These are the Young’s modulus and shear modulus at the onset of the rubbery region, i.e. 30K above the polymer’s Tg.
- Property descriptions have been updated to reflect the enhancements to mechanical property reporting described above.
- Properties are now reported with 2 decimal places, except for the Poisson ratio, which is reported with 4 decimal places.
- An additional Critical molecular weight property – using an alternative correlation described in Jozef Bicerano’s Prediction of Polymer Properties, Marcel Dekker, Inc. (2002) has been implemented.
- The thermal expansion, aT, has been updated to make this property a continuous, rather than discontinuous, function of Tg.
- A number of descriptor enhancements have been incorporated improving property prediction accuracy.
- Systems with more than 100 atoms may now be treated by P3C in the interactive P3C panel, upon user request.
- P3C no longer provides results for systems containing phosphorous and iodine, as repeat units containing these elements were not available during the original parameterization of P3C.
- Predictions for polymers with just silicon and nitrogen on the backbone, e.g. poly(dimethyl silazane), have been enhanced.
- Thermal conductivity, Tc, has been added to the properties computed by P3C
- The handling of the output of gas permeabilities has been enhanced.
- The treatment of rotatable bonds in siloxane alkyl side chains has been enhanced, based on input from Jozef Bicerano, to improve the predictive capabilities for such systems.
- In general, predicted Tg values below 100K represent extrapolation significantly below the bottom of the range of data used in developing the P3C equation. Accordingly, when P3C might compute a Tg<100K for a given repeat unit it now provides a report stating that this repeat unit is outside of the current applicability range of P3C.
- Similarly, elastic moduli are never negative in practice. If P3C calculates one or more negative moduli, because the input descriptors are outside of the ranges employed in the development of P3C’s correlations, it provides a message stating that the repeat unit is outside the current applicability range of P3C.
- Enhancement for interactive computation for large repeat units (on-demand)
- Enhancements for subsets used in deposition
- Short access time when loading machine-learned forcefield
- Output enhancements
5- Analysis:
- Enhancement for pair correlation panel
- Addition of the MedeA Python environment
- Update of IntelMPI to 2019 version on Linux
MedeA 3.9.0 Release Notes
1. Builders and Editors:
- Enhancements in exporting SVG files
- OpenBabel update
- Amorphous Materials Builder:
- Improved handling of removed components
- New compress layer functionality for quick and robust use, interactively and in a flowchart, for building layers at the desired density
- Updates to trajectories handling
- Extended Stack Layers builder to allow for stacking triclinic cells
- Ability to create repeat units from SMILES
- Enhancements for mass criterion when creating Subsets
- Microstructure builder:
- Weighted seed & growth to create grains of different volume distributions
- Option to create columnar slab geometries and rotations around z-axis only
- Flowchart stage for builder to be used in a flowchart
2. Engines:
- Update to the latest release VASP 6.4.3 with many enhancements and bug fixes
- New OpenACC-based GPU version which now supports all features of the CPU version
- Added support for new VASP 64 potentials. Users can choose their own default and switch easily between 54 and 64 potentials
- Added support for the revPBE density functional from the user interface
- Added support for further Van der Waals density functionals from the user interface: vdW-DF-cx, rVV10, r2SCAN+rVV10, PBE+rVV10L
- Added support for further meta-GGA functionals from the user interface: SCAN-L, rSCAN-L, r2SCAN-L, v1-sregTM, v2-sregTM, v3-sregTM, v2-sregTM-L, OFR2, local MBJLDA
- Added support for further hybrid functionals from the user interface: HSE03, HSEsol, RSHXLDA, RSHXPBE, SCAN0
- Added support for the van der Waals corrections Many-body dispersion energy /FI and DFT-ulg from the user interface
- Davidson optimization algorithm (non-blocked) available for all simulations
- CSVR thermostat for canonical (nVT) ensemble
- Enhancements for MLFF Molecular Dynamics simulations and trajectory handling
- Substantial speed-up of post-processing of Molecular Dynamics runs
- NMR Calculation enhancements: vGv approximation for evaluating the magnetic susceptibility
- Enhancements in NPT, Minimize and Compress Layer stages to allow for the use of variables
- Several enhancements for GIBBS trajectories and structure list
- visualization
- Enhancements for Sorption stage
3. Forcefields:
- MLPs:
- Added ZBL parameters to SNAP MLPs
- New MLP type supported: ACE (New)
- Fitting Data manager enhancements
- Enhancements to forces’ charts
- Ability to use variables for hyperparameters
VOTCA (New):
- New module for coarse-grained forcefield creation from atomistic simulation input (Iterative Boltzmann Inversion and Force Matching methods)
- Machine-Learned Atomic Cluster Expansion (ACE) Potentials based on the PACEMAKER code,
- Enhanced VASP Quantum Engine with new density functionals and Projector Augmented Wave (PAW) potentials, designed for performance on the latest graphics processors,
- Improved atomistic forcefields enhancing the accuracy of simulations and their applicability in diverse research areas, and
- Innovative VOTCA module for seamless parameterization of coarse-grained forcefields from atomistic simulations for mesoscale applications.
- New atom types and parameters for alkyl borates
- Refinement for quaternary carbon c0 nonbond parameters
- New atom type for alumina and updated for surface atoms
- Addition of bond term and bond increment for alpha carbon in carbonates
- Enhancements for oxalatoborate anions and new atom types
- Added CHONS ReaxFF parameter set (Mattsson et al.)
- New torsion terms for use with UFF in LAMMPS
4. Property modules:
- Improvements to message handling, initial and final structure reporting, and checks for the number of requested structures
- Enhancements for Optimization stage
- Enhancements for computation of X3 and X10 descriptors, and perception of ortho/meta geometries
- Enhancements for computations using NNP (MLP) forcefields
MD Phonon:
- Added Etot_QC, sum of MD total energy and the quantum correction of the vibrational energy
- Added Atotal, the total vibrational Helmholtz free energy, which is calculated with Etot_QC – Svib T
- Enhanced support of Job restart functionality
Polymer Expert:
- Enhanced handling of messages and warnings issued
- Enhancement for use of variables to define regions
6. JobServer/TaskServer:
- Extended Job submission dialog to include summary regarding the JobServer chosen, the input structure and the active forcefield
- Extended Job submission dialog to include Queuing System options
- Extended TaskServer for GPU device selection
- Enhanced database performance
System Requirements for MedeA 3.9.0
System Requirements for MedeA 3.8.0
MedeA Software details:
- Supported operating systems: Windows and Linux x64
- GPU: NVidia Tesla GPUs only
- Graphic: OpenGL 2.1 and higher
- Activation with license: single user for 1 PC
- License validity: Perpetual and lifetime
- File Size: 1.75 GB + 6.5 GB + 1.80 GB + 7.3 GB + 9.2 GB
Hi Is it possible to create a Hypervelocity Impact simulation model in medeA 3.1.2 LAMMPS GUI and convert to LAMMPS input script?
We do not know exactly about this
Is it possible to place gas molecules on a surface using MedeA 3.1.2?