Download Molecular Dynamics Analyses of Prion Protein Structures

Molecular Dynamics Analyses of Prion Protein Structures: The Resistance to Prion Diseases Down Under book pdf download. This monograph is the book on molecular dynamics (MD) simulations nearly for all the known normal prion protein (PrPC) PDB entries in the Protein Data Bank (PDB) and associations. Pig is a species that is largely resistant to prions, and chicken, turtles, frogs are species resisting prion infection too; firstly, this book will address all PrP strong immunity species (such as rabbits, dogs, horses, water buffaloes, pigs, chicken, turtles, frogs), compared with high susceptibility species. Other PrP models and doppel models are also MD studied in this book.

This book is ideal for practical computing staff in the fields of computational physics, computational biology, computational chemistry, biomedicine, bioinformatics, cheminformatics, materials, applied mathematics and theoretical physics, information technology, operations research, biostatistics, etc. As an accessible introduction to these fields, this book is also ideal as a teaching material for students.

eBook details
  • Author (s): Jiapu Zhang
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Publisher: ‎ Springer
  • Language: English
  • ISBN: 9789811088148, 9811088144, 9811342474, 9789811342479, 9789811088155, 9811088152
  • Pages: 389 pages
  • Book format: PDF
  •  File size: 101 MB
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