Download Pulsed Laser Processing of Materials 2024

Pulsed Laser Processing of Materials by Dongfang Yang book pdf download, covers recent advances in laser ablation technologies for producing Li-ion battery materials and components; pulsed laser deposition of ferroelectric materials; fundamentals of ultra-short pulse laser interaction with metals, semiconductors, or dielectrics; synthesis of nanoparticles in liquid of a variety of materials by laser ablation; processing of biological tissues and materials by ultrashort-pulse burst-mode laser; gemstone identification using laser-induced Raman spectroscopy, photoluminescence, and photoluminescence lifetime analysis and machine learning for reliable quantitative elemental analysis of materials from LIBS spectral data.

Table of contents

  1. Applications of Pulsed Laser Ablation in Li-Ion Battery Research
  2. Fundamentals of Ultrashort Pulse Laser Interactions: Mechanisms, Material Responses, and the Genesis of LIPSS
  3.  Epitaxial Ferroelectric Thin Films: Potential for New Applications
  4. Synthesis of Nanoparticles Using Pulsed Laser
  5. Ultrashort-Pulse Burst-Mode Materials Processing and Laser Surgery
  6. Modernization and Automation of Gemological Testing: Harnessing the Power of Laser-Induced Spectroscopy for Raman, Photoluminescence, and Photoluminescence Lifetime Analysis
  7. Recent Advances in Machine Learning Methodologies for LIBS Quantitative Analysis
eBook details
  • Author (s): Dongfang Yang
  • Year of publication: 2024
  • Publisher:  ‎ Intechopen
  • Language: English
  • ISBN: 0854666109, 9780854666102, 0854666117, 9780854666119, 0854666125, 9780854666126
  • Pages: 177 pages
  • Book format: PDF
  •  File size: 13 MB
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