Download Rietveld Refinement: Practical Powder Diffraction Pattern Analysis Using TOPAS

Rietveld Refinement: Practical Powder Diffraction Pattern Analysis Using TOPAS bruker software pdf download for X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) data and rietveld refinement method. Almost 50 years have passed since the famous papers of Hugo Rietveld from the late sixties where he describes a method for the refinement of crystal structures from neutron powder diffraction data. Soon after, the potential of the method for laboratory X-ray powder diffraction was discovered. Although the method is now widely accepted, there are still many pitfalls in the theoretical understanding and in practical daily use.

This book closes the gap with a theoretical introduction for each chapter followed by a practical approach. The flexible macro type language of the Topas Rietveld software can be considered as the defacto standard.

eBook details

  • Author (s): Robert E Dinnebier, Andreas Leineweber, John S O Evans
  • Year of publication: 2018
  • Publisher:  De Gruyter
  • Language: English
  • ISBN: 3110456214, 9783110456219, 978 3110461381
  • Number of pages: 342 pages
  • Book format: PDF
  •  File size: 23 MB
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