Download Schlumberger SPAN Rock v9.1.5

Schlumberger SPAN Rock software full crack download and Perforating Analysis (SPAN‐ROCK) software is used to model perforating performance in reservoir rocks. SPAN‐ROCK allows the user to optimize the well completion efficiency by comparing a variety of gun/charge configurations under different reservoir conditions. SPAN‐ROCK guides the user down a logical path to the best perforation design. The SPAN‐ROCK approach is simple yet detailsed for oil and water properties.

Casing, cement, and formation information is combined with wellbore geometry and completion fluid characteristics. This information is matched with the gun system’s performance characteristics and positioning data to predict perforating performance under the specified conditions. SPAN‐ROCK users can match well parameters with available perforating gun systems to create a customized well development plan. The SPAN‐ROCK program generates Penetration, Productivity Analysis and Dynamic Underbalance reports for up to six perforating systems in a format that is easy to read and to use.

The formation penetrations of charges are estimated by a novel model that is developed exclusively based on rigorous laboratory tests for each individual charge in various rocks under downhole conditions rather than converted from surface concrete results. In calculating productivity, perforation skin is derived from state‐of‐the‐art semi‐analytical correlations that are developed through extensive 3‐D finite element simulations and laboratory experiments with advanced perforating test facilities at Schlumberger Reservoir Completion Center.

Sensitivity, Static and Dynamic Underbalance plots show the effect of productivity and charge performance as a function of one or more parameters. As part of the decision process, the system can be used to model the effect of different formation, well, and perforating gun combinations. SPAN‐ROCK also introduces the option to compute perforating performance (Penetration and Skin) along the wellbore. These SPAN‐ROCK outputs include a Gun String Summary Report and SPAN‐ROCK Perforating Log showing a visual representation of the perforating performance along the length of the wellbore.

Schlumberger SPAN Rock software details:

  • Supported operating systems: Windows 10, 11
  • File size: 13 MB
  • Crack: full crack (unlimited PC)
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