Download Therapeutic Protein Targets for Drug Discovery and Clinical Evaluation: Bio-crystallography And Drug Design

Therapeutic Protein Targets for Drug Discovery and Clinical Evaluation: Bio-crystallography And Drug Design book pdf download. The book reviews the recent research advances and their outcomes in the areas of structural biology, bioinformatics, phytochemistry and drug discovery. Chapters in the book cover multidisciplinary research to understand the molecular mechanisms involved in protein-protein/ligand interactions.

It employs an integrative approach to identify the therapeutic targets for HIV, and cancer, pathogen and viral infection pathways and the identification of their potential drug candidates. The book also provides examples of computational molecular dynamics simulations to understand the conformational changes in the molecules.

eBook details

  • Author (s): D Velmurugan, Atanu Bhattacharjee, D Gayathri
  • Year of publication: 2022
  • Publisher:  WSPC 
  • Language: English
  • ISBN: 9811254788, 9789811254789, 9789811254796, 9789811254802
  • Number of pages: 403 pages
  • Book format: PDF
  •  File size: 8 MB
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