Download ChemDat: The Merck Chemical Database is one of the best Chemistry Database for scientists.
- Contains comprehensive information on the following product lines
- Analytics and Reagents Bioproducts Pigments and Cosmetics
- Electronic Chemistry
- details of 11,000 products
- including: all available product varieties and types of packaging
- chemical, physical and toxicological properties structural formulas all data on the risks and security of data
- information about the storage and transportation of the ordering label printing tool
Information available to the software
- Formula Hill
- Chemical formula
- Density
- Molar mass
- CAS number
- HS code
- EC No.
- Storage class VCI
- Storage (temperature)
- Packing category (road)
- Disposal
- Product category
- Cause of hazard in set/preparation
- Poison class CH (Swiss)
- R phrase
- S phrase
- pH value
- Form
- Color
- Odeur
- Melting point
- Boiling point
- Vapor pressure
- Explosion limits
- Flash point
- Thermal decomposition
- Heat of evaporation
- Evaporation number
- Ignition temperature
- Bulk density
- Refractive index
- Water absorption
- Solubility in chloroform
- Solubility in ethanol
- Solubility in water
- Dielectric constant
- Viscosity kinematical
- Viscosity dynamical
- Dipole moment
- Saturation conc. (air)
- and more
For any question Contact us
I work at …., which is a chemical regulatory consulting company based in the Republic of Korea. And this material will be used as study endpoints for submission of joint registration of K-REACH (similar to EU-REACH)
Before I purchase this material, I would like to know what information of chemical substances is included in this data base. (for example, physical state, melting point, boiling point, water solubility, etc.)
Could you please let me know by sending email?
Thank you.
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New version updated and More details added.