Download Graitec Advance Design 2025.0 build 20118 (x64)

Graitec Advance Design software full crack download, Advance Design is a mature and easy to use FEM Structural Analysis solution dedicated to structural engineers operating in a BIM environment.
It fully designs any type of structure, with any kind of loads, mixing concrete, timber and steel members. It includes major code standards (Eurocodes / North American).

Based on the needs and requests of the ever-growing communities that have gathered around each software developed by Graitec, the Graitec software development team proposes exciting new features to enhance the customer experience when designing and simulating structural projects.

Key features of Graitec Advance Design software:

  • Performance- a significant reduction of the time required for calculations
  • Construction stages- new mechanism for the definition, management and calculation of structures using stages
  • Advanced non-linear supports- new possibilities for defining nonlinear relationships for supports
  • Masonry structures- possibility to model and verify masonry walls (acc. EN 1996) using a new Masonry Wall design module
  • Wind on free standing walls- possibility to generate wind on free standing walls acc. EN 1991-1-4
  • Result tables- fast and easy checking FEM results with Results Tables
  • Improvementsto New possibilities and improvements for reinforcement concrete design.
  • Support for import/export/synchronization mechanisms using major industry standards (IFC, CIS/2, SDNF, STP…) and via API with Autodesk software including Autodesk Revit and Autodesk Advance Steel

Graitec Advance Design software details:

  • Supported operating systems: Windows 10/11 x64
  • File size: 5.8 GB
  • Build: 19513
  • Crack: full crack (unlimited system)
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