Meteonorm software full crack download and Meteonorm is a unique combination of reliable data sources and sophisticated calculation tools. It provides access to typical years and historical time series. Meteonormgenerates accurate and representative typical years for any place on earth. You can choose from more than 30 different weather parameters.
The database consists of more than 8,000 weather stations, five geostationary satellites and a globally calibrated aerosol climatology. On this basis, sophisticated interpolation models, based on more than 30 years of experience, provide results with high accuracy worldwide.
Meteonorm includes two of the best minute models on the market for reliable simulations of large PV plants or energy management & battery systems. It can model urban heat effects to support the development of green cities. It contains algorithms to calculate extreme years, for example to test design limits. You can even simulate Climate Change using IPCC scenarios.
Key features of Meteonorm software:
Meteonorm software details: