download Multi-Target Drug Design Using Chem-Bioinformatic Approaches

Multi-Target Drug Design Using Chem-Bioinformatic Approaches by Kunal Roy book pdf download, this book showcases recent advances in computational design of multi-target drug candidates involving various ligand and structure-based strategies.

Different chem-bioinformatic modeling strategies that can be applied for design of multi-target drugs as well as important databases and web servers in connection with multi-target drug design are also featured in this collection.

eBook details
  • Author (s): Kunal Roy
  • Year of publication: 2019
  • Publisher: Humana
  • Writing language: English
  • ISBN: 9781493987320, 1493987321
  • Number of pages: 563 pages
  • Book format: PDF
  •  File size: 12 MB
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