Schrodinger Suites 2025 windows, linux and macOS version download with full crack Software is an excellent software for molecular docking studies. Schrödinger develops state-of-the-art chemical simulation software for use in pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and materials research. Their physics based computational platform leverages a deep understanding of physics, chemistry, and predictive modeling to accelerate innovation in drug discovery. This allows collaborators to discover high-quality, novel molecules more rapidly, at lower cost, and most likely with a higher likelihood of success compared to traditional methods.
It is the most complete and advanced simulation software for chemical engineering and materials science. This program can implement the most accurate molecular simulations and has a wide range of applications in various sciences including medicine, pharmacy, materials and chemistry. There are few engineers who have not used Schrodinger software. The software is named after Erwin Schrodinger, an Austrian physicist with his latest and most complete atomic theory.
The theory of quantum mechanics is also the result of his tireless efforts, which is why the Schrodinger Science Foundation named the most powerful atomic simulation software after this great scientist.
This program generally consists of 5 sections: Small-Molecule Drug Discovery Suite, Materials Science Suite, Discovery Informatics Suite, PyMOL, Jaguar and Biologics Suite, each of which includes a large number of independent programs; The Schrödinger Suite collection includes all the software of these 5 sections and, in short, has all the software produced by this company and is applicable to all sciences.
With Schrodinger Suites software, chemical engineers can study and simulate new polymer and chemical structures, study different reactions, and monitor everything at the atomic dimension. With the help of this software, materials engineers can study the crystal structures of materials and extract various properties such as mechanical, thermal, optical, chemical, etc., and can also simulate new alloys and apply them in complex environments such as temperature. Study high, corrosive and so on. With this software, pharmacists can simulate new drugs and study their effects, study the molecular structure and DNA, and make new drugs.
Key features of Schrodinger Suites software:
Small Molecule Drug Discovery
Target Validation & Structure Enablement
Protein Preparation
– Improved peptide bond connectivity by better integration of sequence information in the Protein Preparation Workflow (PPW)
Protein X-Ray Refinement
– Phenix/OPLS can now run from CIF files containing reflections
Cryo-EM Model Refinement
– Improved support of macrocycles in GlideEM/GlideXtal
Binding Site & Structure Analysis
Binding Site Characterization
– Rationalize kinase selectivity challenges using the Kinase Conservation Analysis Interface that combines sequence and complex structural information: Identify promising selectivity handle residues to modulate ligand kinase selectivity that can be tested with FEP+ Residue Scan
Desmond Molecular Dynamics
– Optimize the unbinding kinetics of protein-ligand complexes using dissolution rate predictions based on unbinding pathways identified by enhanced sampling methods
Mixed Solvent MD (MxMD)
– Identify potential binding sites and assess drugability of competitive and allosteric binding sites with the full release of a Mixed Solvent Molecular Dynamics Interface to setup and analyze MxMD simulations
Hit Identification & Virtual Screening
Active Learning Applications
– Improved diversity of top scoring ligands in Active Learning ABFEP by using 3D features extracted from Glide poses in ML model building
– Researchers can now specify different batch sizes and selection rules to exploit or explore for each iteration in Active Learning simulations
Lead Optimization
Protein FEP
– View trajectories and structural output from FEP+ Residue Scans in the FEP+ interface
– Rationalize key interactions in ligand binding using per-contact residue interaction energy analysis which is new for ABFEP
– Easily identify disconnected sub-maps in a busy FEP map
– More accurate NMR spectra predictions by identifying magnetically inequivalent nuclei
– Automatically enumerate and cyclize peptide sequences from FASTA files with the new script
– Ring template generation for Glide macrocycle docking with bespoke parameters is now automated by the script
– An updated script with greater control of sampling options and a new receptor-aware macrocycle sampling algorithm that includes surrounding receptor atoms to restrict conformational search space
. Updated script replaces
– Improved handling of ring nitrogen atom substituents during ring template conformation generation
– now supports 2D ligand files as inputs
– exposes several new command-line options that allow finer control of the alignment convergence criteria which are useful in reducing convergence times for large molecules such as cyclic peptides
Medical Chemistry Design
Ligand Designer
– Enable user-specificed or automatically generated ligand protonation and tautomeric states from the 2D/3D editing workflow for MCS Docking
Biologics Drug Discovery
– Completely rewritten MMGBSA Residue Scanning backend that is more reliable and has improved support for a wider variety of non-standard amino acids and mutation of DNA/RNA
– New high-throughput, machine learning-based antibody and nanobody structure prediction with ImmuneBuilder. With throughput of about one minute per structure, it is suitable for batch modeling of thousands of structures
– Automatically identify and annotate for visualization TCR alpha and beta chains from a FASTA file (commandline
– Updated N-glycosylation PROSITE pattern that is less restrictive
Materials Science
GUI for Quantum ESPRESSO
Product: Quantum ESPRESSO (QE) Interface
– Workflow solution to calculate the defect energy
– Workflow action menu (WAM) for output from periodic DFT convergence test
– Support for setting total magnetization/charge for each structure
– Support for computing thermodynamic properties via dynmat.x (command line)
– Support for stopping an NEB calculation and returning intermediate structures
Materials Informatics
Product: MS Informatics
– Formulation ML: Option to control advanced settings
– Machine Learning Property: Skip structures outside the model scope
– Machine Learning Property: Prediction of singlet (S0) to triplet (T1) energy
– Machine Learning Property: Prediction of hole / electron reorganization energy
– Machine Learning Property: Prediction of orbital (HOMO / LUMO) energy
– Machine Learning Property: Updates to existing models
Coarse-Grained (CG) Molecular Dynamics
Product: MS CG
– Automated CG Mapping: Mapping MARTINI for speciality chemicals / polymers
– CG FF Builder: Support for exporting atomistic reference data
Dielectric properties
Product: MS Dielectric
– Complex Permittivity: Linear fitting parameter retained during exponential fitting
Product: MS Reactivity
– Nanoreactor: Control over thermostat bath temperature
– Nanoreactor: Support for parallelization of xTB dynamics simulations
– Reaction Workflow: Support for the use of the xTB Hessian for transition states
– Reaction Workflow: Use of input conformers when conformation search fails
– Reaction Workflow: Improved SCF convergence for energy calculations
Product: MS Microkinetics
– Microkinetic Modeling: Improved speed/scalability by up to 2 orders of magnitude
– Microkinetic Modeling: Improved model for multiple catalysts / catalyst site types
– Microkinetic Modeling: Improved data visualization in the viewer
– Microkinetic Modeling: Job name shown in the viewer
Reactive Interface Simulator
Product: MS RIS
– Solid Electrolyte Interphase: Improved subjob queuing coordination
– Solid Electrolyte Interphase: Support for constant pressure (NpT) simulations (command-line)
MS Maestro Builders and Tools
– GUI panel to digitally design, manage, and visualize OLED devices
– Single Complex: Improved UI for better usability
– Solvate System: Support for generating multiple configurations by random seeds
Classical Mechanics
– Workflow solution to compute thin plane shear friction
– Barrier Potential for MD: Support for reading barrier information from entry
– Evaporation: Option to plot total number of molecules removed from the system
– Evaporation: Information tied to barriers (when applied) logged in the output
– Polymer Crosslink: Improved speed by efficient checking for ring spears
– Trajectory Density Analysis: Option to display multiple density depths
– Trajectory Density Analysis: Export option for 2D heat-map plot
Quantum Mechanics
– Workflow solution to plot phase diagrams based on energy
– Workflow solution to compute and analyze computational ellipsometry data
– QM Convergence Monitor: Easy access to the structure from the last step
Education Content
Life Science
– New tutorial: Refining crystallographic protein-ligand structures using GlideXtal and Phenix/OPLS
Materials Science
– New tutorial: Automated Martini Fitting for Coarse-Grained Simulations
– New tutorial: Thin Shear
– New tutorial: Defect Energy Calculation
– New tutorial: Optoelectronics Device Designer
– New tutorial: Computational Ellipsometry
– New tutorial: Phase Diagrams
– New tutorial: Ab initio Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Li-ion Diffusion in Solid State Electrolytes
– Updated tutorial: Microkinetic Modeling
– Updated tutorial: Organometallic Complexes
What’s upcoming in 2025-1
– Extended support for biologics drug discovery: Synchronous selection between Sequence Viewer and 3D Visualizer, support for biologic entities in models which expect atomistic representation, and enhancements for handling non-canonical monomers throughout the application
– Data import performance improvements: Faster small molecule file import and large enumeration result import
– Enhanced formula capabilities: Support multiple value inputs to a formula and align multiple value outputs from a formula by experiment, lot, or pose
Small Molecule Drug Discovery
Platform EnvironmentTarget
Maestro Graphical Interface
– Improved usability in scatter plots and histograms:
. See relationships in data across multiple plots and histograms with streamlined menu into “Entry Actions” and “Sync Options” menu icon
. Added support for string and boolean histograms
– In the histogram panel, easily switch between settings and data table views
– Specify the number of columns and rows for fine control of Workspace Tiles
– Save animated GIF of vibrational motion from Jaguar frequency calculation
– Enhanced Cryo-EM surface performance:
. Up to 2x faster loading of Cryo-EM surface files
. Up to 5x increase in speed for isosurface contour creation and adjustments
– Refined toolbar design for enhanced simplicity, modern aesthetics, and optimization for dark mode
– Updated Maestro Project format to version 5:
. Support for multi-letter chain names beyond traditional 26 characters
. Compressed .prjzip files designed for easy sharing via email
. Automatic conversion of version 4 projects to version 5 upon opening
. By default save Maestro Projects in version 5 format with an option to save in version 4 for backward compatibility
– Support added for two new CIF file formats: “PDBx/mmCIF (*.cif)” and “Small Molecule CIF (.cif)”
– Opening Maestro locally from LiveDesign is now supported on macOS, Linux, and Windows
– Revamped splash screens & iconography: Modern visuals for an updated look and feel
Workflows & Pipelining [KNIME Extensions]
– LiveDesign Admin node can take user credentials from the LiveDesign Connection node enabling SSO configuration
Target Validation & Structure Enablement
Protein Preparation
– Protein The Protein Preparation Workflow now considers Epik states of ligands during the hydrogen-bond network optimization stage by default
Protein X-Ray Refinement
– New script quickly generates an aligned x-ray map, given an input structure and a cif file containing structure factors
– Updated IFD-MD for automatic sampling of histidine tautomer states (HID, HIE): Consider induced fit effects simultaneously to resolve receptor tautomeric states and predict receptor and ligand conformations
Binding Site & Structure Analysis
– Automatically apply Combined Mode which breaks down sites larger than 800 Å3
Mixed Solvent MD (MxMD)
– Improved cryptic pocket identification with new mixed solvent molecular dynamics (MxMD) interface including customizable visualization (Beta): Gain a clearer understanding of candidate binding pockets on the protein surface with a new interface to set up and analyze MxMD simulations
Hit Discovery
Active Learning Applications
– Faster time-to-results in AL-Glide and Glide using ZeroMQ mode for machine learning evaluation stage and Glide docking stage
Shape Screening
– Additional similarity normalization schemes now available for Quick Shape and 1D Screening command. In addition to the max{O(A,A), O(B,B)} default can apply min{O(A,A), O(B,B)}, O(A,A), and O(B,B) where O(A,B) is the overlap between ligands A and B
– Run Quick Shape and 1D Screens against a Phase pharmacophore hypothesis as the query
– Improve speed of Quick Shape calculations with -limit and -NJOBS1D options that enable more efficient utilization of compute resources
– Full release of Glide WS mode, previously known as WScore, to prioritize ligands for improved hit enrichment and pose prediction accuracy
. Leverages explicit water energetics to enhance the accuracy of protein-ligand poses and reduce experimentally inactive compounds in top-scoring virtual hits
Lead Optimization
– Gain deeper insights into receptor-ligand interactions with new Per-Residue Energy Decomposition in FEP Edge analysis
– Perform categorical analysis in the Correlation Plot (FEP+) interface using classification matrices including common metrics such as Accuracy, Specificity, Recall, Precision, F1 Score, Cohen’s K and Kendall’s T
– View reason why compounds are skipped in ABFEP calculations in the FEP+ Panel
Protein FEP+
– Full release of Protein FEP+ Residue Scanning (with lambda dynamics)
. Workflow now generates an FMP archive to be loaded in the FEP+ Panel
. Web Services support
FEP Protocol Builder
– Ability to run with either OPLS4 or OPLS5 force field
– Added support for sampling of more residue protonation states
– New option to skip active learning and perform exhaustive exploration of protocol parameter space
Quantum Mechanics
– Return solvation entropy in implicit solvent calculations
– workflow for numerical frequency calculations
– Added support for isotope 11B in NMR calculations
– Implicit solvent model SMD now has gradients and frequencies
– E-sol now supports the CPCM-X implicit solvation method for rapid solvation energies (command line only)
Semi-Empirical Quantum Mechanics
– Updated xTB to version 6.7.1 which uses the advanced solvent model CPCM-X
– Expanded list of predefined linkers from 5 to 22 for small molecule cyclization in
– Expanded list of side-chain bridges for peptide cyclization from 4 to 21 of the most commonly reported in the literature
– Control spacers in via a CSV file of SMILES strings
– Improvements to macrocycle alignment reproducibility and performance in tug_align script and Ligand Alignment Panel
– Macrocycle sampling script can optionally output only macrocycle conformers
– Easily create cyclic peptides from sequence on the command line with script
De Novo Design
AutoDesigner – R-group Design
– Boost exploration of similar ligands with new AutoDesigner Similarity feature that scores output ideas based on similarity to a user-provided set of compounds
– Added exhaustive PathFinder enumeration of all routes of the starting ligand using all available building blocks for those routes
– Added recursive trimming of the final set of outputs to generate additional outputs
– Improved logging including an overview of the number of compounds generated at various stages of the workflow
AutoDesigner – Core Design
– Improved logging including an overview of the number of compounds generated at various stages of the workflow
Biologics Drug Discovery
– Predict protein properties with automated machine learning model building using protein descriptors: Leverage AutoQSAR analysis to train, validate, and apply AI/ML models for biologics properties prediction
– Predefined selection sets for quick access to TCR regions like CDRs, alpha/beta chains, and more
Materials Science
GUI for Quantum ESPRESSO
Product: Quantum ESPRESSO (QE) Interface
– Phonon-dependent dielectric properties reported in the Phonon DOS viewer
– Workflow action menu (WAM) for NMR calculations
– Support for phonon calculations with DFT-D3
– Improved cell relaxation protocol
– Schrödinger-compatible Quantum ESPRESSO releases available at Github
– Support for distributed phonon calculations
– Control over maximum number of retries after failure via config file (command line)
– Initial parameters and constraints preserved in the QM Convergence Monitor
KMC Charge Mobility
Product: MS Mobility
– Compute KMC Charge Mobility: Improved speed with robust QM convergence (command line)
Materials Informatics
Product: MS Informatics
– Formulation ML: Increased number of available steps for hyperparameter tuning
– Formulation ML: Option to replace hyperparameter tuning steps with training time
– Formulation ML: Visualization of atomic contributions from the feature importance analysis
– Machine Learning Property: Updates to existing models
– Machine Learning Property: Prediction of melting point for molecular solids
– Machine Learning Property: Prediction of non-aqueous solubility of molecules
Coarse-Grained (CG) Molecular Dynamics
Product: MS CG
– Automated CG Mapping: Speed up for mapping large molecules
– Automated CG Mapping: Particle types and the number of occurrences reported
Penetrant loading simulations
Product: Penetrant Loading (PL)
– Penetrant Loading: Differentiation between pre-existing water and added water
Product: MS Reactivity
– Nanoreactor: Option to set the width of the biasing potential
– Reaction Workflow: Anharmonic zero point energy (ZPE) added to Project Table
– Reaction Workflow: Support for enumeration on sites in rings
– Reaction Workflow: Option to automate the swap fragment with enumeration
– Reaction Workflow: Preview of reaction diagram at the setup
Product: MS Microkinetics
– Microkinetic Modeling: Support for multistage MKM analysis
– Microkinetic Modeling: Support for zoom in on plots in the viewer panel
– Microkinetic Modeling: Increased default value for maximum integration time step
MS Maestro Builders and Tools
– Adsorption Enumeration: Support for selection of reactive atoms by atom indices
– Disordered System: Improved UI with reconfigured options for tabs and dialogs
– Disordered System: Support for keeping selected molecules rigid with tangled-chain option
– Meta Workflows: Support for radial distribution function analysis
– Nanoparticle: Option to include only molecules with center of mass inside the particle
Classical Mechanics
– Barrier Potential for MD: Option to remove barrier from input structures
– Droplet: Support for entering random seed in building a droplet
– Droplet: Support for randomized initial velocities
– Evaporation: Support for full control over which profiles to plot
– Evaporation: Support for applying barrier potentials
– Evaporation: Option to set evaporation zone based on the distance from COM of the substrate
– Evaporation: Improved loading speed for large input structures
– MD Multistage: Improved relaxation protocol for ladder polymers
– Refined default timestep for DPD particles
– Thermostat and barostat settings set automatically for atomistic and coarse-grained systems
– Stress Strain: Option to plot normal average stress
– Thermophysical Properties: Option to return *.ene files (command line)
– Trajectory Density Analysis: Output *.csv files
Quantum Mechanics
– Adsorption Energy: Option to select between kcal/mol and kJ/mol for energy units
– Adsorption Energy: All output entries incorporated in Project Table as subgroups
– Adsorption Energy: Robust detection algorithm for valid input adsorbates
– Adsorption Energy: Support for loading options from a Quantum ESPRESSO config file
– Optoelectronic Film Properties: Prediction of molecular refractive indices
– Optoelectronic Film Properties: Prediction of intersystem and reverse intersystem crossing rates
– Optoelectronic Film Properties: Improved loading protocols for large input structures
Education Content
Life Science
– New Tutorial: Protein pKa Prediction with Constant pH Molecular Dynamics
– Updated Tutorial: Glide WS Evaluation of HSP90 Ligands
Materials Science
– New Tutorial: Singlet-Triplet Intersystem Crossing Rate
– New Tutorial: Modeling the Formation and Decomposition of Nitrosamines
– New Tutorial: Atomic Layer Deposition
– New Tutorial: Elemental Enumeration
– New Quick Reference Sheet: Refractive Index
– Updated Tutorial: Introduction to Multistage Quantum Mechanical Workflows
Docs Content
– New documentation page to explore solutions for materials science applications and to identify the best fit for users’ interest
– Panel images shown in the help topic of each panel
What’s upcoming in 2024-4
– Biologics SAR Visualization: View, highlight, and analyze properties alongside sequence differences in the Sequence Viewer tool
– Ligand Designer: Upload multiple overlays and rename docked poses for tracking
– R-group enumeration: Filter output products by computed properties to enumerate a set of products within a defined chemical space
– Updated LiveReport Picker: View row, column, and cell count for LiveReports in the LiveReport Picker to quickly identify LiveReports that are candidates for deletion
Binding Site & Structure Analysis
Mixed Solvent MD (MxMD)
Hit Identification & Virtual Screening
Ligand Preparation
Active Learning Applications
Ligand Docking
Lead Optimization
Protein FEP
Constant pH Simulations
Solubility FEP
FEP Protocol Builder
Quantum Mechanics
Medical Chemistry Design
Ligand Designer
Biologics Drug Discovery
Materials Science
GUI for Quantum ESPRESSO
Materials Informatics
Coarse-Grained (CG) Molecular Dynamics
Reactive Interface Simulator
MS Maestro Builders and Tools
Classical Mechanics
Quantum Mechanics
Education Content
Life Science
Materials Science
Schrodinger Suites software details: