Download Altair HW FEKO 2024.1 x64

Altair HW FEKO software full crack download and Altair FEKO is a comprehensive computational electromagnetics (CEM) software used widely in the telecommunications, automobile, aerospace and defense industries. FEKO offers several frequency and time domain EM solvers under a single license. Hybridization of these methods enables the efficient analysis of a broad spectrum of EM problems, including antennas, microstrip circuits, RF components and biomedical systems, the placement of antennas on electrically large structures, the calculation of scattering as well as the investigation of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). WinProp is a dedicated tool for wave propagation modeling and radio network planning.

Feko is a powerful and comprehensive 3D simulation package intended for the analysis of a wide rangeof electromagnetic radiation and scattering problems. Applications include antenna design, antennaplacement, microstrip antennas and circuits, dielectric media, scattering analysis, electromagneticcompatibility studies including cable harness modelling and many more.

WinProp is the most complete suite of tools in the domain of wireless propagation and radio networkplanning. With applications ranging from satellite to terrestrial, from rural via urban to indoor radiolinks, WinProp’s innovative wave propagation models combine accuracy with short computation times.

Key features of Altair FEKO software:

  • 3D design of antennas
  • Has 3D RF and 3D EM components
  • RCS analysis for small and large structures
  • Optimization of variables for parametric models
  • Periodic analyzes for linear and periodic structures
  • Time domain analysis
  • Special formulation for efficient simulation
  • Analysis of large arrays

Altair HW FEKO software details:

  • Operating system: Windows 10, 11 x64
  • File size: 3.6 GB + 4.3 GB
  • Crack: full crack (unlimited PC)
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